
Common terms and acronyms used in this course.

COG-Train: an international programme which aims to strengthen SARS-CoV-2 genomics and bioinformatics capacity.
Distributed Classrooms (DCs): a virtual training model developed by H3Bionet which is used in this course.
GitHub: the repository which will host the training material of this course.
Google Colaboratory (Colab): an coding environment to write and excecute Python.
LMS: Learning Management System. WCS e-learning system which you will use to submit your assigments and assessments.
Python: the programme language used in this course to run bioinformatics analyses.
Slack: a messager application which will be used to support networking and community building.
WCS: Wellcome Connecting Science. A learning and training programme focused on biomedical research.
Zoom: the communication platform used to transmit this course.