Workshop on Data Viz

This page provides resources designed and developed for the Data Viz workshop.

Workshop outline:

  1. Discuss aspects of good storytelling. 

  2. Reflect on how one can use visualisation to tell a story about data.

  3. In groups, discuss what are the best visualisation methods for a given task

  4. Demonstrate how Microreact can be used to tell a story.

  5. In a hands-on exercise, apply techniques from Microreact to tell a story. 

  6. Provide resources to aid healthcare workers visualise their data.



Principles of good story telling

  • Keep it simple, where possible

  • Build up towards complex figures

  • Be consistent, but do not be repetitive

Examples: Last chapter of the book “Fundamentals of Data Visualization” by Claus O. Wilke 

Clever trick examples

Group Activity: Real scenario from a public health lab in the USA: Can we identify ways to reduce poor sequencing outcomes?

Demonstration on how Microreact can be used to tell a story

Activity: Using Microreact to tell our own story

Resources: Microreact instructional videos